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Join Christie Walters and Jeff Bajorek as they review books, interview thought leaders, and discuss topics critical to success in business and in life.  Certified by Sales Guru, Jeffrey Gitomer, Christie and Jeff have both dedicated their careers to helping others uncover their passion, unblock their path, and achieving greatness in sales and in life.

Oct 22, 2018

Jeff is not an extrovert and he doesn't think you are either. There are very few and extroverts out there and most people in sales don't identify as extroverts, at least not by the classic definition. It's one of those stereotypes out there that makes people reluctant to enter a sales profession.

A lot of people, particularly small business owners, are reluctant to even admit that they have to be in sales, that they have to sell something in order to keep their doors open because they don't think they are extroverts. That's wrong and today's musing explains why.

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