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Join Christie Walters and Jeff Bajorek as they review books, interview thought leaders, and discuss topics critical to success in business and in life.  Certified by Sales Guru, Jeffrey Gitomer, Christie and Jeff have both dedicated their careers to helping others uncover their passion, unblock their path, and achieving greatness in sales and in life.

Dec 29, 2021

Well the day has come. This is the final The Why and The Buy podcast, after 5 years, 432 episodes and over 200,000 downloads. Jeff and Christie have a last co-hosting conversation about starting out, what they learned, what they might have changed, what incredible guests they've had,  knowledge they've gained, value...

Dec 22, 2021

"If the truth won't sell it, don't sell it." This is the favorite quote of today's guest. This is also the second to last episode of podcast, and the final interview. So Jeff reached out to his brother from another sales mother Todd Caponi to have that honor. Todd has written the book on transparency in sales. In...

Dec 15, 2021

As the victory lap starts to enter the final turn, Jeff and Christie welcome the foremost authority on outbound prospecting – outbound sales coach and trainer, Jason Bay. Today Jason focuses on opening up opportunities and increasing your odds of getting what you want, AND actually enjoying yourself along the way. How...

Dec 8, 2021

One of Jeff’s longtime best friends steps into the final few rounds of the victory lap! Mike Weinberg, best-selling sales author, trainer, consultant, and speaker is here. The group starts out talking about golf, but then use it as a metaphor for sales, and not being so tied to the securing the outcome that it gets...

Dec 1, 2021

The Why and They Buy's victory lap marches on with arguably one of the biggest names in sales, Jeffrey Gitomer. Speaker, trainer, best selling author, including over five million copies of 'The Little Red Book of Selling,' and the man who was the catalyst for this podcast, joins the show.

Jeffrey Gitomer doesn’t like...