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Join Christie Walters and Jeff Bajorek as they review books, interview thought leaders, and discuss topics critical to success in business and in life.  Certified by Sales Guru, Jeffrey Gitomer, Christie and Jeff have both dedicated their careers to helping others uncover their passion, unblock their path, and achieving greatness in sales and in life.

Oct 27, 2021

Today's episode is a very personal and engaging one, with none other than Christie's younger sister Jessica Herrmann, Owner/Realtor of Great Georgia Realty. 

Jessica details her start in the realty business as an agent, transition to a broker, and onto being the owner/broker of Great Georgia Realty. Beginning in the boom of the mid-2000’s she took off quickly, but soon had to traverse the housing crisis a few years later.  She also explains how real estate sales, networking, and outreach have changed with social media and video now taking the driver’s seat.

At the heart of this conversation is her story of independence and her entrepreneurial spirit that brought risk and fear, but also incredible success. She talks about balancing her career with the very thing that drives her, which is her family, and how coaching is such an important asset for her professional path.

Find out more about Jessica and Great Georgia Realty


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