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Join Christie Walters and Jeff Bajorek as they review books, interview thought leaders, and discuss topics critical to success in business and in life.  Certified by Sales Guru, Jeffrey Gitomer, Christie and Jeff have both dedicated their careers to helping others uncover their passion, unblock their path, and achieving greatness in sales and in life.

Dec 25, 2019

Are you controlling your money, or is your money controlling you? As you grow in your sales career, your bank account grows with it. And history has shown that spending will match or even outpace that growth. Our guest today has seen himself and others fall victim to not planning ahead.

David Weiss shares his story, and...

Dec 23, 2019

As we prepare to receive gifts for ourselves or our children this holiday season, a question lingers in the back of our minds...what will we do with the old possessions these new gifts will replace? 

It's the same question we can ask of our professional lives. What strategies, resources, projects, clients do we need to...

Dec 18, 2019

Is “social selling” a legitimate sales tactic or is it sales voodoo? Is it just cold calling and building relationships as we’ve always done in sales, or is it something more? Our guest today helps to dissect the intricacies of social selling and how to leverage it in order to market yourself and your product.

Dec 11, 2019

What works to build your brand on social media, and what doesn’t? Afraid of taking that first step, or letting your opinion be heard? Our guest today will put those fears to rest and show you how sharing your voice is a powerful tool in reaching greater sales success.

Jake Dunlap’s fascinating career path and...

Dec 9, 2019

Recently I thought about my favorite sales movie. Oceans 11. "Wait...that's a sales movie?" I think so! Danny Ocean goes around and sells a lot of people on participating on a dangerous mission that could land them all in jail or dead. Tough sale. 

I then had a second thought, there aren't a lot of movies that are...