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Join Christie Walters and Jeff Bajorek as they review books, interview thought leaders, and discuss topics critical to success in business and in life.  Certified by Sales Guru, Jeffrey Gitomer, Christie and Jeff have both dedicated their careers to helping others uncover their passion, unblock their path, and achieving greatness in sales and in life.

Jul 31, 2019

Gwen Jimmere survived domestic abuse, a grueling divorce, and losing her main sources of income all while raising a child. She not only survived, she thrived. She began Naturalicious as a way to generate income for her and her son Caiden and help women like her take care of their hair, save time and save the Earth. Now...

Jul 24, 2019

Today we are profiling the inspiring story and mission behind the company Perinatal Access, founded by our guest, Greg Linton. 

Greg's mission, his purpose, his why is grounded in using technology to solve a problem for expectant mothers with high risk pregnancies. In these situations, time is of the essence and...

Jul 22, 2019


That feeling when your heart is full, your eyes well up a bit and your stomach feels funny, that feeling of gratitude. 

It can hit you at any moment. Last week it hit Jeff at a golf outing with his friends in beautiful Bandon Dunes, Oregon. Gratitude is a feeling that is intricately and inexorably linked to our...

Jul 17, 2019

It's time for Round 2 of our new book club called Whatcha Readin'?. Jeff, Christie and guest hosts get together to deliver fantastic, life-changing, thought provoking book recommendations from renowned and more obscure sales thinkers. 

This week's clubber is...

DeJuan Brown! He is a Regional Sales Manager for...

Jul 15, 2019

Why do we overtalk ourselves out of relationships, networking opportunities and ultimately sales?

It's easy to blame our own selfishness or narcissism, a focus on ourselves, but oftentimes (maybe even a majority of the time) we overtalk because we're too focused on helping our prospect or customer. But the biggest...