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Join Christie Walters and Jeff Bajorek as they review books, interview thought leaders, and discuss topics critical to success in business and in life.  Certified by Sales Guru, Jeffrey Gitomer, Christie and Jeff have both dedicated their careers to helping others uncover their passion, unblock their path, and achieving greatness in sales and in life.

Jan 11, 2021

There has been a tremendous amount of change over the last year. Change in pretty much every aspect of our lives. Today Jeff tells a story about his son, and how he has recently taken a leap forward in adapting to remote learning and remote social interaction with friends. He realized that he knows some people in his professional circle that have adapted really well, and others who have struggled a bit. 

So the question is, are you adapting to new ways of selling or are you waiting and hoping things get back to "normal" as soon as possible? 



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