Jul 17, 2019
It's time for Round 2 of our new book club called Whatcha Readin'?. Jeff, Christie and guest hosts get together to deliver fantastic, life-changing, thought provoking book recommendations from renowned and more obscure sales thinkers.
This week's clubber is...
DeJuan Brown! He is a Regional Sales Manager for Bloomberg BNA. Two of his most important life lessons were learned while sliding dirty dinnerware into a plastic tub. He was a 15-year old busboy at a restaurant called "Spinnakers,” where he learned the intrinsic value of selflessness.
On today’s podcast...
0:57 - Jeff has a new toy and
it's rockin'
2:34 - DeJuan recommends The Eureka Factor: Aha Moments, Creative
Insight, and the Brain by John Kounios and Mark Beeman
5:17 - How do we gain MORE insights as we grow older?
8:50 - Separating things from the normal functionality
14:12 - There's so much more to selling than the sales process
17:08 - Jeff has two sales books to share: The
Only Sales Guide You'll Ever Need by Anthony Iannarino and
#SalesTruth by Mike Weinberg
21:42 - You don't have to work harder in order to get more done.
You just have to work harder on the right things.
24:28 - Christie is listening to a free audiobook The
Three Day Effect: How Nature Calms Your Brain by Florence
28:08 - The sense of awe and how to extend it
30:59 - Christie and Rory McIlroy
The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino
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