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Join Christie Walters and Jeff Bajorek as they review books, interview thought leaders, and discuss topics critical to success in business and in life.  Certified by Sales Guru, Jeffrey Gitomer, Christie and Jeff have both dedicated their careers to helping others uncover their passion, unblock their path, and achieving greatness in sales and in life.

May 30, 2018

You hear them every week, on every episode. Our guest this week is the band that stands behind The Why and The Buy, Detroit's own...Haskins!

Get more Haskins here!

Listen for a behind the music story of passion pursued and how they've made their team work over the years. This month is all about execution and a band has...

May 28, 2018

Just because it is Christie's buzzword, doesn't make it any less true or powerful. Authenticity has been the key to success for so many. Staying true not only to yourself in the present moment but your passion and your vision for the future.

Listen to today's musing and ask yourself what words you overuse and if you're...

May 23, 2018

Our guest this week is Ron Masi, Business Analytics Leader for Teradata. Ron wakes up everyday thinking about execution, both how he will personally execute on his plan and how to help other business execute on their plans. 

His strategies for execution are as insightful as they are precise. His story begins with a...

May 21, 2018

On this week's Monday Musing Jeff has a song stuck in his head and not just because it has a catchy hook but a theme that has everything to do with Execution month.

In order to execute, you have to know what needs to be executed on. But so many things in our life (both work and home) serve to distract us and disrupt the...

May 17, 2018

Our guest this week is, Kelly Riggs, a leadership coach, founder of Biz Locker Room and author of Counter Mentor Leadership. 

Kelly is here to help us connect the dots between executing on our quarterly targets and the sales leadership that our companies provide for us AND that we provide for ourselves. Sales...