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Join Christie Walters and Jeff Bajorek as they review books, interview thought leaders, and discuss topics critical to success in business and in life.  Certified by Sales Guru, Jeffrey Gitomer, Christie and Jeff have both dedicated their careers to helping others uncover their passion, unblock their path, and achieving greatness in sales and in life.

Dec 26, 2018

We’re rethinking the book club pod. Instead of discussing one book we’re doing SEVEN books. Instead of two hosts we have FOUR hosts. Listen for tips on what you should be reading to set yourself up for sales success in 2019. This will be a continuing series in 2019 so stay tuned for more from The Why and The Buy Book Club.

Our guests hosts today are…

James Christman is an account executive for Teradata in San Diego. He is helping companies rise above today's analytics landscape and invest in answers.

DeJuan Brown is a Regional Sales Manager for Bloomberg BNA. Two of his most important life lessons were learned while sliding dirty dinnerware into a plastic tub. He was a 15-year old busboy at a restaurant called "Spinnakers,” where he learned the intrinsic value of selflessness.

On today’s podcast...

00:27 - Introducing the Watcha Readin'? co-hosts James Christman and DeJuan Brown

2:45 - This is a DIFFERENT kind of book club podcast

4:30 - James Christman introduces The Sales Success Story

7:00 - "Pivot between being tactical and tactful when necessary."

12:44 - DeJuan Brown introduces What Everybody is Saying by Joe Navarro

16:00 - Observing non-verbal cues of stress or discomfort

22:00 - Christie Walters introduces Giftology by John Ruhlin

25:30 - Christie introduces a SECOND book, Moonwalking With Einstein by Joshua Foer

on the power of memory

30:00 - All the books so far have a common theme central to the art and science of slaes

31:15 - Jeff introduces THREE books!

37:18 - James recommends the Super Soul Podcast


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