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Join Christie Walters and Jeff Bajorek as they review books, interview thought leaders, and discuss topics critical to success in business and in life.  Certified by Sales Guru, Jeffrey Gitomer, Christie and Jeff have both dedicated their careers to helping others uncover their passion, unblock their path, and achieving greatness in sales and in life.

Feb 9, 2017

In this episode, we cover the ever popular topic of Goal Setting.  Yes, I heard collective groans as soon as I typed that topic.  All joking aside, if you want to achieve true success, you have to take this topic seriously...and we don't mean just once per year!

It's not WHAT you know, it's not even WHO you know, It's what you IMPLEMENT that counts. - Brian Moran

Goal planning is not a one-time event.  It is an on-going, iterative process.  So how do you plan for goal success?  In this episode, we will discuss techniques such as:

  • Establishing a baseline
  • Challenging your assumptions
  • Breaking down your goal into 12 week objectives
  • Getting an accountability partner